05-07-2014, 10:14 AM
So gonna try this, write a chapter as I feel like it and post it, see if I'll actually get this story done.
Chapter 1
The ground cracked and shook as Buttman ran down the street chasing his foe, his breath labored as sweat ran down his face and soaked his uniform. His bloated 800lb body shook with each thump as he tried to condense his weight in order to run faster, a sinister giggle from his target encouraging him to try harder. His boots covered by his slowly retreating legfat made it hard to walk let alone run, his moobs bouncing in front of his face with each hard step made it hard to keep track of his taunter, his butt shaking and bumping the cars and buildings he passes make it hard to stay straight on his path.
“Buttman she’s getting away! Turn right on the next corner! Down the alley!”
Bellyboy shouted from the rooftops, keeping an eye on the villain and her cohort who looked up at him with distain. He was waiting to pounce at the same time Buttman reached them, but at this rate they would get away. He watched and groaned as Buttman started to turn the corner and fell over, rolling for a few feet before he regained himself and aimed for the alley. He ran straight and true….and promptly became wedged in the opening by his massive rear.
“Nice try cutie, but looks like I win again!”
Jemma smiled from the other end of the alley, her green eyes piercing into his. He struggled against the sides of the alleyway, his condensing not working fast enough for him as she waddled towards him. Sombra leapt from the rooftop to stop what he knew she was going to do, but Gemstone was there to stop him once again and he sighed as Jemma once again walked up to Buttman and proceeded to give him a kiss and make his rear expand farther.
Buttman tried to resist but she was just too much, her powers were growing fast than his, and he groaned as his ass expanded and covered the sidewalk and started causing the buildings on either side of him to crumble, his moobs flowing forward and pushing against her as his legs and arms suck in his feet and hands. She only stopped when his bulk pushed her too far away to reach his lips, by then his butt had expanded into the street behind him, the corners of the buildings had fallen inwards and his face was buried behind his moobs, his hands and feet were gone inside him once again, he was just a blob of a man.
“Mmm, always a pleasure fatty.”
Jemma giggled and ran off, Gemstone following shortly behind with their loot. Bellyboy got up and stared at Buttman in disappointment.
“Really? Again? Listen Alter, you have been at this for a while, you need to stop letting her do this to you. This is embarrassing.”
Alter just groaned and panted as he focused on condensing.
“Listen, for the last time stop focusing on JUST condensing, you gotta picture yourself skinnier, I know how hard that is for you but it helps, trust me.”
Alter gave a wobbling nod and as he focused on being smaller, he thought of how he looked in the mirror at home, how his belly just barely poked out, his butt was just barely able to fit in one chair, his moobs were small enough to hold with one hand, his face was only slightly chubby…. And as he pictured that he felt himself shrink faster and faster, and before he knew it he was down to 300lbs.
“Whoa, that really works!”
Alter felt around himself and looked at Sombra with awe.
“*sigh* Yes, it does. That’s why you need to listen to me more often…”
Sombra shook his head and waved at Alter as he ran towards where Jemma was last heading.
“Come on, we might still be able to catch them!”
Alter looked up and nodded, kinda sad at his size, but focusing on the task at hand.
“Right, let’s chase us a chubby!”
Bellyboy groaned loudly as Buttman smiled to himself. Neither of them noticing the glowing blue light above them that is getting brighter…
Chapter 1
The ground cracked and shook as Buttman ran down the street chasing his foe, his breath labored as sweat ran down his face and soaked his uniform. His bloated 800lb body shook with each thump as he tried to condense his weight in order to run faster, a sinister giggle from his target encouraging him to try harder. His boots covered by his slowly retreating legfat made it hard to walk let alone run, his moobs bouncing in front of his face with each hard step made it hard to keep track of his taunter, his butt shaking and bumping the cars and buildings he passes make it hard to stay straight on his path.
“Buttman she’s getting away! Turn right on the next corner! Down the alley!”
Bellyboy shouted from the rooftops, keeping an eye on the villain and her cohort who looked up at him with distain. He was waiting to pounce at the same time Buttman reached them, but at this rate they would get away. He watched and groaned as Buttman started to turn the corner and fell over, rolling for a few feet before he regained himself and aimed for the alley. He ran straight and true….and promptly became wedged in the opening by his massive rear.
“Nice try cutie, but looks like I win again!”
Jemma smiled from the other end of the alley, her green eyes piercing into his. He struggled against the sides of the alleyway, his condensing not working fast enough for him as she waddled towards him. Sombra leapt from the rooftop to stop what he knew she was going to do, but Gemstone was there to stop him once again and he sighed as Jemma once again walked up to Buttman and proceeded to give him a kiss and make his rear expand farther.
Buttman tried to resist but she was just too much, her powers were growing fast than his, and he groaned as his ass expanded and covered the sidewalk and started causing the buildings on either side of him to crumble, his moobs flowing forward and pushing against her as his legs and arms suck in his feet and hands. She only stopped when his bulk pushed her too far away to reach his lips, by then his butt had expanded into the street behind him, the corners of the buildings had fallen inwards and his face was buried behind his moobs, his hands and feet were gone inside him once again, he was just a blob of a man.
“Mmm, always a pleasure fatty.”
Jemma giggled and ran off, Gemstone following shortly behind with their loot. Bellyboy got up and stared at Buttman in disappointment.
“Really? Again? Listen Alter, you have been at this for a while, you need to stop letting her do this to you. This is embarrassing.”
Alter just groaned and panted as he focused on condensing.
“Listen, for the last time stop focusing on JUST condensing, you gotta picture yourself skinnier, I know how hard that is for you but it helps, trust me.”
Alter gave a wobbling nod and as he focused on being smaller, he thought of how he looked in the mirror at home, how his belly just barely poked out, his butt was just barely able to fit in one chair, his moobs were small enough to hold with one hand, his face was only slightly chubby…. And as he pictured that he felt himself shrink faster and faster, and before he knew it he was down to 300lbs.
“Whoa, that really works!”
Alter felt around himself and looked at Sombra with awe.
“*sigh* Yes, it does. That’s why you need to listen to me more often…”
Sombra shook his head and waved at Alter as he ran towards where Jemma was last heading.
“Come on, we might still be able to catch them!”
Alter looked up and nodded, kinda sad at his size, but focusing on the task at hand.
“Right, let’s chase us a chubby!”
Bellyboy groaned loudly as Buttman smiled to himself. Neither of them noticing the glowing blue light above them that is getting brighter…